Articles Tagged with bicycle crash

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There has been a lot more talk about bike safety in recent years than we have seen at any time before.  Much of this has to do with a major change in the way people see bicycles and this relatively new concept of bike culture vs. car culture.

Boston Bike Crash lawyerDecades ago, bikes were pretty much considered something that only kids used.  Yes, there were those who raced road bikes, and there were famous races in Europe such as the Tour de France, but they were nowhere near as popular as they are today. The idea of someone choosing to ride a bike to work was basically unheard of on a larger scale because America was in love with automobiles, and those who did not drive a personal vehicle took a bus, commuter rail rain or rode the T to work in Boston. Continue reading

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The number of bicyclists killed in 2015 rose by 12.2 percent from the year before. That’s according to the most recent final statistics released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), which annually releases national traffic safety facts.bike1

This report specifically analyzed bicycle-car crashes, in which a motor vehicle collided with a bicycle causing injury or death. The report did not include incidents wherein a bicycle defect may have contributed to a single-rider crash into a fixed object, such as a tree or pavement. It also excluded incidents that occurred in private property – including parking lots and driveways.

So once we understand that we’re actually discounting a number of fatal crashes, we know the figures about which we’re talking are low to begin with. That means the rate of bicycle crashes and bicycle injuries is actually quite a bit higher than these statistics suggest.  Continue reading

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